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Provides information on individuals being held in US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facilities. Provides an Online Detainee Locator System to locate detainees currently in ICE custody. Website also contains a locator tool for detention facilities.

The ICE Detention Reporting and Information Line (DRIL) provides a direct number for the general public to field questions and resolve concerns around the following:
-Incidents of sexual or physical assault or abuse
-Serious or unresolved problems in detention
-Reports of victims of human trafficking and other crimes
-Reports on individuals with serious mental disorders or conditions
-Separation of minor child or other dependent and other parental related issues
-Inquiries from the general public, law enforcement officials and others
-Requests for basic case information
-Reports that someone in detention has a serious mental disorder or condition
Eligibility: Unrestricted
Hours: Monday-Friday 5am-5pm, closed holidays

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