Multnomah County Donations: Shelter & outreach providers in Multnomah County are requesting winter gear in preparation for the winter season — for information on what to donate and where, visit our donations page.

Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Housing Supports: For information on how to apply for HRSN Housing Supports for Medicaid (OHP) recipients, visit our HRSN page.

If you have questions about the coronavirus response in Oregon, you can search the resources below. Our contact center uses this information with people who call, text and email us seeking updated Covid-19 facts about the virus itself, and ways to access community supports.
For general information about the Covid-19 virus, you can also visit the CDC COVID-19 website.
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 Antibody Tests
COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests
COVID-19 Vaccines
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
COVID-19 Vaccination Card Replacement
Vaccine Information * COVID-19
COVID-19 Treatment