Provides home repair services for things like failing electrical, plumbing, heating systems, and leaking roofs. Can install smoke detectors, make homes more accessible, and improve basic home security measures. Repairs must be urgent in nature, meaning the condition of the area to be repaired must pose an immediate health or safety hazard to the occupant or will cause significant decay to the structure if left unattended to. Up to $10,000 is available to a household over a five-year period. All work is performed by licensed and bonded contractors hired and paid by the City.
225 5th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Eligibility: -Low-income households
-Single-family home must be located within the Springfield city limits
-Resident must own and live in the home
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • Main phone (541) 736-1039 Home Repair Program Amy Orre
Email Address: [email protected]
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Call or visit website for more information. Application form, income limits, and a home repair brochure available on website.
FEES: None
DOCUMENTS: Proof of income, address, home ownership, and completed application form
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, interpretation or signing by arrangement
AREA SERVED: City of Springfield
  • Home Rehabilitation Programs
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* The community resource directory information is up to date to the best of our knowledge. However, you should always call the provider to confirm this information and make an appointment. Be sure to confirm payment information with the provider, if payment is required. 211Info does not rate, recommend or endorse any agency. We simply provide information as a public service.