Provides after-school enrichment program with activities such as art, science, homework help, sports, field trips, and playtime. Children have the opportunity to participate in weekly clubs like photography, theater, gardening, and art. Day camps are available during school breaks.
1737 NW 26th Avenue
Portland, OR 97210
Eligibility: After-school program: K-5 grade students of Chapman Elementary
Summer Camp: 1-6 grade students
Winter Camp: K-5 grade students
Spring Break Camp: K-5 grade students
Hours: After-school program: Monday-Friday 7am-7:50am and 2:15pm-6pm
Summer Camp: 9am-4pm; optional before care (7am-9am) and aftercare (4pm-6pm)
Winter Camp: 7:30am-6pm
Spring Break Camp: 7am-6pm
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • Main phone (503) 228-4391 Dan Hupala
Email Address:
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Call or visit website for more information. Scholarship applications and after-school and camp registrations are available online.
FEES: Sliding scale fee and scholarship opportunities
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish
AREA SERVED: City of Portland
SITE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 7am-7pm, Friday 7am-8pm, Saturday 8:30am-4pm
TRAVEL/LOCATION INFORMATION: Located at NW 26th and Thurman. TriMet Line 26 stops across the street (linited schedule) and line 15 and 77 are nearby.
  • Camps
  • Children's Play Groups
  • School Readiness Programs
  • Youth Enrichment Programs
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