Offers affordable repair services to qualified homeowners. Repairs may include roofing, yard cleanup, lead paint removal, painting, siding, and gutter replacement.

Note: For manufactured and mobile home projects, only the following are eligible: exterior doors, gutters, landscaping, brush removal, junk removal, exterior painting, walkways, driveways, steps, ramps, porches, decks, and retaining walls.
566 S Main Street
Lebanon, OR 97355
Eligibility: Individuals who live in and own their own homes, meet income guidelines, are current on mortgage payments, have home owners insurance, and have the ability to pay a portion of the repair and permits. Applicants must also be willing to commit sweat equity.
Hours: Varies
Phone/FAX Numbers
  • Housing (541) 405-5213
Email Address: [email protected]
INTAKE PROCEDURE: Visit website for more information and to complete the online interest form.
FEES: Homeowners can pay for the repairs with a loan tailored to meet their budget. Savings accounts where funds are matched 3:1 for critical health, safety, and structural repairs are also available.
DOCUMENTS: Proof of ownership, proof of current home owners insurance, proof of income, and documentation on any code violations
AREA SERVED: Zip codes 97327, 97329, 97345, 97355, and 97386
  • Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
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