Multnomah County: A Severe Weather Alert is in effect for Multnomah County Tuesday night, February 4, 2025. Call 2-1-1 or visit the Winter and Severe Weather Resource page for information on open shelters and transportation options.

Multnomah County Donations: Shelter & outreach providers in Multnomah County are requesting winter gear in preparation for the winter season — for information on what to donate and where, visit our donations page.

Health Related Social Needs (HRSN) Housing Supports: For information on how to apply for HRSN Housing Supports for Medicaid (OHP) recipients, visit our HRSN page.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

Join us in the fight to end white supremacy and the ugliness, violence and privilege that it maintains. Let’s take action, not violently, but through gestures, education and enlightenment where possible.

We are horrified (though sadly not surprised) by this week’s events in D.C. and elsewhere. It is our duty to publicly condemn these acts and their precipitating events, as it is, in part, a lack of condemnation that fuels them.

 A message sent to staff from our CEO states:

“What horrifies and fuels my anger mostly is seeing these bad actors NOT being held to account, ranging from elected “leaders” to social media companies to police. These moments offer stark choices to demonstrate values and vision, and I am appalled.

 I try to take forward what I can learn from events like this. Unfortunately, the learning is that nothing has changed: There are two codes of conduct still embedded in this country. One “book” is for white, privileged folks, granted all kinds of liberties and leeway, and the other is for people of color who aren’t protected by the same set of latitude and liberties. 

 Until we change this paradigm the anger I feel today will continue, and my idealism will be destroyed for this nation. Please help me by joining this fight to reverse white supremacy and the ugliness, violence and privilege that it maintains.

Let’s take action, not violently, but through gestures, education and enlightenment where possible. Through holding racist law enforcement systems accountable; through insisting that accurate terminology be used (i.e. “terrorists” vs. protesters”); and by remembering this moment every time BIPOC protesters are attacked for taking a knee during the national anthem or participating in peaceful marches.”

We invite you to join us in this change work. If you are looking for a place to start, here is a list of resources and tools.
